Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Rainy Tuesday

I can totally appreciate the rainy days! I feel like I can get more accomplished and don't feel so bad not getting out of the apartment with Emma! I'm sitting here with my Chai Tea (yum!) and brainstorming new ideas for my Etsy store! Check it out: http://www.etsy.com/shop/SharedJoy. Thank goodness Emma is a good sleeper, I have a bunch of Halloween headbands to finish to send up to Frederick : ). Speaking of Halloween, October is my favorite month...I love all things fall! So I decided to take part in the Photo A Day Challenge over at A Grande Life Such a great idea and I am excited to participate!
Day 1: Leaves
Day 2: In my Cup
*Blog is still a work in progress* Till next time <3

Monday, October 1, 2012

I'm Back!!

I'm looking at this blog and realized I have not written since 2010!! That's insane and I can't let that happen again : P In the meantime enjoy some fun fall pictures of our little family apple picking while I get things back up and running!